Gifts of Love...

Once again, Im so happy to say what wonderful friends I have made through doing what I love.  Leah of Sookie Says (one of my current sponsors) sent me the sweetest gift just because.  Well, really the note said as a congrats on getting our house!  Super fun to get a house warming gift that is for me, he he.  Thank Leah!!!  I adore it so much.  Not only is this girl beautiful & sweet, she is alot like me when it comes to details, just look at her packaging, adorable!  She currently only sells these on her facebook, but soon will have them up in her etsy shop as well.

Making friends along the way in this business has been one of the most rewarding things to me.  Its not just 'what' i create, but its 'who' it goes to.  I love knowing my work goes into some of the coolest homes around the globe.  YOU GUYS are what makes the world of VIOLET BELLA go round!
