Sweet Spring Pretties...

There are some adorable new styles in the shop for spring!  And there are also several in here that are just a preview of what is to come!  If there is one you want and dont see it in the shop, check back b/c it will be there soon.

After this weekend's little cool front, it feels like summer outside right now!  The sun decided to come out and play for all the bikers in our town this weekend.  Bandera has become quite the attraction for bikers over the last few years.  Every year they have a huge bike rally.  Too bad its not vintage bicycles, now I could get into that!  But tons of loud motors and beer drinking, not so much.

As for me... today is the 3rd day of waking up at 4 (actually 3 this morning) to take James to work.  I dont mind at all doing this for him, but it sure does have me off schedule and tired.  Im still packing boxes as much as I can.  We now have 11 days left, including today!  The countdown begins!  Im not going to lie, Im overwhelmed and stressed.  But I am trying  my hardest to keep it in check.  I dont feel like Im doing the best job of that, but Ill just keep reminding myself to.  I want this experience to be a fun one, but not quite feeling as excited as I thought I should.  I think just from being tired & overwhelmed.  This feeling better go away once we step foot in that door!

My new grandfather (my Nanna's amazing new beau) is having knee surgery on monday if everyone could keep him in their prayers.  Not a fun thing for him to do.  But hopefully in time this will help him walk better and not feel so much pain, if any at all.  I wish I could be there, but Ill be driving James to work and he has two doctors appointments monday and tuesday, and another appointment on wednesday.  We have successfully filled up the week before moving!  I think it is going to fly by!

Im super sorry if I have sounded like a bummer lately always talking about being overwhelmed.  I dont even know if I really have talked about it all that much, I just feel like it b/c its always in my mind.  But I know, this too shall pass.

For some happiness, go check out all of my lovely sponsors if you havent already.  These are some pretty awesome ladies!
