An Interview with Me & My Boy...

Okay, so I have this super duper cute friend who now lives in California... way too far away... whom I just adore.  Funny, we had class together in school but never really talked.  It took her being a mutual friend of two boyfriends to become good pals.  And more so in just the last few years.  Those of you who have been following me for a long time will remember her beautiful face from photoshoots I did.  She is such an amazing model and Ive had so much fun shooting her over the years.  She is working on branching out with her own handmade designs and I think they are just so her and so creative.  Her etsy shop, Christee Gee, has handmade recycled tshirt necklaces and some of the raddest recycled magazine necklaces, you must check them out!

She also has a blog where she interviews amazing artists and musicians with a headline called "20 Questions"... Im honored to say that James and I are the feature this week.  It was such a fun little interview, and I love the way she did it with both of us answering the same questions.  James wrote some pretty sweet things about me and it melted my heart.  Go check it out here.  And follow her blog while you are at it.  You'll get to read some interviews from some awesome people.  Last week was Mike Herrera from MXPX.  And she makes an adorable video like this one for each interview... she is so cute and creative.

Go show this sweet girl some support.  She is working so hard on creating her dream of moving towards branching out to run her own shop and other things.  This girl has one of the biggest hearts I know.

And if you missed my last post, check out another interview on Ruche's blog...
