Little black dress...

 After going to bed so late last night, we woke up to Nico chirping in our ears and the sun shining in so bright.  I just knew for sure it must have been about 10 o'clock or so.  Nope, only 8:30.  Geez...  ah well, Im excited to have my boy home with me today, even though I will mostly be working.  I may be putting him to work too :)  See the photo below of him?  Yep, that is him cutting chains for me!  I have conned him into helping me out this week.  Although he does have alternative motives.  He is saving up for something he really wants so Im sharing the profits with him just for his penny jar!  And its been a great help to me, plus I get to enjoy him next to me while I work, double plus!!!

 The other day I wore my little black dress I got for my birthday.  I actually havent had a 'little black dress' since I was about 15, mostly b/c I do not buy black anything anymore it seems b/c of our pets.  And of course, within about an hour I was covered in white fur.  But it is still so cute :)  A lint roller is must in this house.  I wore it with on of my crochet vests, a roots and feathers necklace and my thrifted mocs.  such a comfy but cute outfit.  And I painted my nails glittery for the first time ever this week.  Love it.  And, I ate sushi from heb, a quick okay fix for when you want some sushi. 

I also redecorated my window space in the dining room.  I love it, and I love the fact that I can change things around anytime.  I had to showcase my neil young album my bestie gave me.  This photo is making me miss my Violet, is that not adorable?  And the photo of Bella, she was just standing there with the sun shining on her and I had to run and grab my phone.  Gosh, Im a bit addicted to phone photos.  I never intended them to take over the way they have, its just so easy to grab my phone.

 Today is day 3 of having lactose free creamer in my coffee, and not really having any dairy at all (except for my latte last night).  I think I have an allergy to it.  Im not sure yet if that is it, but something has been upsetting me and Im on the path to resolving it.  So far so good, so it just may be that.  It was the first thing I was going to try to eliminate from my diet to figure out what is going on.  Gosh I love milk though.  Luckily I can still eat yogurt and some cheeses b/c of the probiotics and low levels of lactose in some.  I think Id cry if I had to give up all of my favorites...

Time to force myself to get up, eat, and get busy!  I had a goal of cleaning the floors (deep cleaning) while Violet was gone, but my time is ticking away!
