Baby Travis >>>

Meet baby Travis.  He is my new beautiful blue eyed little nephew.  I now have two nephews, my brothers little boy Aiden, and now James' brothers little boy Travis.  When James and I have a baby we better even out this playing field with a little girl.  And yes, this little boy did make my baby fever worse.  Id like to know from those of you who already have little ones, did you plan it at all?  The having a child in general and did you plan the timing of its birth?  Im curious.  Both of our nephews were very unplanned, but Ive seen how they both have been the biggest blessings to both of our brothers.  But James and I are super planners...
{Dear little Travis, I cant wait to see how you change and grow throughout the years to come.  I hope that James and I will be the aunt and uncle you always feel like you can turn to when you need someone.  I think you are a huge blessing in all of the lives of your daddy's family.  In just the short time you have been here I have seen you change hearts and create such sincere smiles.  Thank you for being here.}
