Threads - Passionflower Pink >>>

Last week I received these AMAZING pants in the mail from Mountain Girl Clothing, and pretty much havent taken them off since.  I could live in them. You can find another pair in her shop like them here, just in a different fabric pattern. The first day I wore them, I welcomed them into my life with a bonfire, which Im pretty sure is just about the best way to come into someones life, even if you are a pair of pants.  I layered some of my very old tank tops together, dare I say, I used to wear them by themselves...  I think those kinds of guts are long gone.  I loved that my tattoos perfectly matched this outfit.  The oh so pretty necklace is about to go up in my shop, and there are only two available! 

A little update on life the past few days...  Ive been able to get some major things done around here.  Getting many of my wholesale orders out the door.  Still several to go, but a big one is almost done and that makes me feel so good.  My taxes are almost completely finished.  I got to see some of my family two days in a row!  They came up to Bandera which is always nice, and then we went into San Antonio last night.  We had a great family bbq at my Nanna's last night.  Such good food, I was stuffed to the brim.  Whenever there are meals over there, there is so much food I wouldnt normally have on my table, that I kind of pig out in a big way.  Everytime.  I ate two brownies and a piece of chocolate cake for dessert!!!  Geez.  But the good thing is, we were able to stop by Whole Foods on the way there and pick up some yummy good for ya stuff, so my fridge is stocked!  

Today is the last day of March, which means it will be a busy day.  The last and the first days of the month always are.  I have lots of little things I have to attend to today.  Hopefully by this evening, that will include a shop update with all of these pretties Ive been teasing you with this past week!  

Oh, and I set up a new commenting system on the blog.  I can now comment right back to you directly in discussion form, and you can share the post on any of your social networks by clicking the buttons below each posts in the comment thread.  And you can like posts!  Fun stuff!
