bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg
bohemian gypsy outfit.jpg

 outfit details: kimono - forever 21 // jumper c/o persun // sandals - blowfish shoes // headpiece - mooreaseal // rings - jade stone + roots & feathers + whimsy emporium // necklace - roots & feathers // feather earcuff - sea of wild 

I'm kind of in love with the lighting in these photos and wondering why I have never used other parts of my house for photos like these before.  I am definitely going to experiment more with using different places in my house as backgrounds for photos.  And I'm also in love with this outfit.  I actually wasn't too sure about the jumper b/c I felt to bare in it by itself, until I found this kimono.  Bam, I'm in love now.  Some pieces of clothing are like that... until you find just the right pairing it doesn't work and then all of a sudden its transformed.   

It's another rainy day here in Texas.  Which means the house is dark, the babies are cuddled up in bed, and I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get to work.  I had a day off yesterday where I treated myself to a reiki session with an old friend and we spent a few hours catching up, it was so good for my soul.  Feeling truly blessed and thankful for that connection.   

Time to force myself to get in the studio and get some stuff shipped out.  Time to crank up the music!