1. ive been working on new pretties like crazy, im so inspired right now.
2. bella has taken up residency in the minnetonka box.  its her favorite spot right now.
3. little laurel all snuggled up.
4. adventures in babysitting + a smoothie.
5. breakfast - yogurt + berries + granola.
6. the cutest + tiniest acorn.
7. my mason jar of lotion from katelyn.  im in love.
8. all dressed up to meet my friend at a cowboy bar, i wore my boots.
9. bella chillin on christie's lap.  she loved her.
10. me and christie, my hometown girl that moved away to cali.
11. laurel looking cute in her skinnies.
12. baby kisses.
13. dancing to caravan of theives.
14. texas sky outside my studio.

for more, follow me on instagram.