me and my nephew

And the christmas madness is over with!  Ha ha.  It actually was not madness at all for me this year.  I enjoyed every moment of it, even the food induced comas over the last two days.  I actually just threw all of the leftover pie, brownies and cookies I had in the trash this morning b/c I just can't take one more piece, and neither can James.  We hit our breaking point last night! 

This is my favorite photo from christmas of me and my little nephew, the silliest cutest kid I know.  He was so excited about each of his gifts, it was priceless. 

In a few hours Im off to go spend the night and the next whole day with my Nanna!  It's her birthday and I'm so happy I get to spend the whole day with her.  Its been really nice this month to do alot of things that are out of my normal routine of being home and making jewelry.  The family and friend moments weve had this month have been so good for my heart.  Last night we stopped by my besties house to give the kids their gifts and we ended up staying for dinner and up till the kids bed time.  It was unexpected and so nice. 

Its noon and I should probably start packing!  My sale will be going on through the weekend and all orders from yesterday through sunday will go out on monday!  And then Ill be back with more updates on my new lookbook too!  I kind of forgot about the holiday time out when I posted it. 

So much love to each and everyone of you!!!