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This past week I spent 5 days with the women in my family in Louisianna.  The pics above are from the first travel day.  The I am so ready to get the heck out of here for a while day...  ​

​On the way up there, we stopped in Schulenburg to pee, and it happened to be right where I would stop with my parents every year on the way home from the Houston Quilt Show to get candied pecans.  I was super excited to go there.  As soon as I walked in the smell brought me right back.  A wonderful way to start the trip.

These are my women.  My Nanna, her sister and two daughters, and my aunt, my mom's sister.  It was so nice to be with just them for a few days.  There is something magical about having just feminine energy together.  Two of our days were devoted just to driving, so we really only had three days there, and we fit alot in, in those three days.  We stayed in Slidell so we could be away from the hustle and bustle of New Orleans the whole time.  ​

Day one, we drove to New Orleans for the voodoo shops.  But I had forgotten how touristy it is down in the French Quarter and I was very disappointed with all of the shops like that down there.  They just seemed so hoaky.  And we didn't have enough time to really just walk the streets for a long time and find the good stuff.  But what I did love about it was the street bands we would pass.  They were amazing.  Eclectic, groups of young folks with dogs, banjos and washboards.  They were all wonderful and mesmerizing to look at.  I could of just sat and watched them all day.  I just loved seeing them do their thing.  My second favorite part was just going into a little bar and chatting with the local bartender and listening to good music.  I was turned onto the pandora station The Devil Makes Three.  Check it out, its great!  Oh, I also ate the best fish Ive ever had in my life that day.  It was yellowfish on top of grilled asparagus and portabello in a red cajun sauce of some kind.  It was seasoned so perfectly.  Im not much of a seafood lover, and this changed my mind in a big way.  ​

Then when we got home, I realized between the 6 of us women, there was 9 bottles of liquor and wine.  Ha ha.  So we stayed up until 2 am drinking and laughing our asses off.  That is one thing I love about my family.  They can laugh like no one else Ive ever heard.  And they tell the funniest stories youve ever heard.  They had me belly laughing so hard it hurt.  It was so nice.  I haven't laughed like that in a very long time.  ​

I have sooooooo many photos to share, so Im going to break them up into several posts.  Maybe more than one a day.  Warning, I took alot of photos of trees.  ​