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I took these during this past full moon.  During her fullest brightest time, I spent three evenings in a row just sitting outside with her, talking to her.  After my mom died, my relationship with the moon really began to take a personal turn.  I had always had a connection with the moon and stars, felt a strange pull and lure towards them in a very deep way... but this was different.  I began to have conversations with her as if it were my mother.  I remember countless nights in our rent house in town where I would go outside and lay on the front lawn and just talk to her.  Sometimes I would write poetry in my head under her.  Sometimes just feel her, soak her in.  It's like it gave me a face to look back at, now that I no longer had my mom's face looking back at me.  Since then, it has always been so.  There was a while I lost touch with that though, so it felt really good to reconnect in that way during this full moon.  I just sit in my backyard and talk.  Ask questions.  Put things out there.  Dream.  Wish.  Let go.  Cry.  Laugh.  Whatever needs to be felt.  Really it ends up being a very personal session with myself, looking within, and working things out.   

This past full moon the clouds were amazing.  Transelvania style.  My favorite kind on a full moon.   

I have been missing my parents so much lately.  It's been pretty heavy on my heart for weeks now.  Fortunately, they have shown up in almost all of my dreams!  Countless dreams have taken place at their home, with them their, surrounded with friends and family.  It's been comforting to see them there.