james playing guitar

1. Hearing James play guitar and write some of the most beautiful songs he has ever written this year.


2. Every moment spend with this girl by my side, as well as Violet and Nico.  My babies bring out some of the best moments in my life.

aquarius nation birth chart

3. Getting my birth charts from KV at Aquarius Nation.  Life changers.  Such a blessing.

roots and feathers business cards

4. Growing my beautiful business and creating so many beauties from my heart.  Couldn't get any better than this.

james with his pasta

5. James learning to cook!!!  This one was huge.  Something that makes my heart swell so big.


6. This birth of Navarro, my best friend's third child.  My first experience being in the room during labor.  Something I'll never forget.

heart and soul poster

7. Finding this San Antonio poster at a local antique store.  The photo in it is of Josephine St. restaurant when my mom used to work their and she is in it in the background.  I have the original photo of it.

disfunkshion magazine

8. Having a small feature in this Disfunkshion magazine issue.


9. Having this boy's 6th birthday party at my house.  I just loved it, and I think he did too.  Plus, every moment I have been able to spend with this little tot this year.

roots and feathers studio

10. Creating a new studio space, one that makes me feel at home.  Even though I feel like I am busting at the seems in this room, I am so grateful for it.

longhorn skull

11. Finding this longhorn skull at a garage sale!!  A very exciting moment.


12. Getting to stay at Katelyn's new house!  And spending time with her and her family in general.  I think we saw each other 4 times this past year!

spirit tribe dreamcatcher

13. Getting to meet Takoda of Spirit Tribe.  She came to my house to deliver this dreamcatcher and we quickly talked our heads off for a few hours without realizing what time it was.  A fleeting but wonderful moment.


14. The birth of this sweet baby girl.  And getting to be her babysitter for a few months.  I'm just so in love with her.  And she gave me big time baby fever!

novella royalle janis bells

15. I got my first pair of Novella Royale bell bottoms.  It took me about two years to give in to spending the $ on them and now the flood gates have opened. 


16. Getting a good reiki session from a very dear friend, and choosing to release so much this past year.  So much healing.

nature wreath

17. Getting to work with Minnetonka.  A dream come true.  Being featured in a fashion spread on their blog, and then being a part of their holiday lookbook with this diy nature wreath.  (And a big cheers to all of the other amazing companies I have worked with this past year, it has been so fun and rewarding)

james and violet at lost maples

18. Going to Lost Maples with James and Violet and having to carry her (our 40 pound dog) for 3 miles back to the car.  An experience I will never forget and a huge lesson learned.

womens trip

19. Going on a family women's trip to Louisianna.  So many moments of bonding, insight, laughter and healing.


20. The amazing skulls and bones that came into my life this past year.  It's amazing what happens when you state a desire to the universe.  Last year a longhorn skull, a horse head skull, a goat skull, a pig skull, a few deer skulls, a turtle skull, an unidentified rodent skull, and several other random bones came into my life, all by way of coming across them in the woods or having them gifted to me by other who had come across them.  Oh, and a ton of antlers!

steve earle

21. Realizing I had this copy of Train a Comin by Steve Earle and falling in love all over again with him, and getting to see him with my bestie at Floore's for the 3rd time.  I still cant stop listening to this album.

my dad's ashes

22. Having a releasing ceremony with James with my dad's ashes.  So much has shifted since then.  It was definitely a turning point for me.


23. Going on vacation with James for our anniversary.  First time since since our honeymoon. 


24. Doing some personal creative photography work.  As well as several fun creative fashion shoots for The Bohemian Collective.

me and robin

25. Getting to see my sweet love bug Robin at least once last year!  This year, it better be more!!!

nature walk

26. Going on tons of nature walks.  And just being in nature as much as possible.

a beautiful mess feature

27. Having our home featured on A Beautiful Mess!  Such an honor.

texas inspired flatlay

28. Creating a collection inspired by my home state, Texas.  This one is so close to my heart and I'm so in love with each piece.  This image is of a flatlay of one of the outfits I put together for the lookbook.


29. Coffee.  Lots of yummy coffee.  Definitely on the favorite moments list!

me and nanna

30. Ringing in the new year by celebrating my Nanna's 80th birthday!  It was a wonderful celebration with almost the whole family.  This woman is so dearly loved.

2013 was full of countless memorable moments.  From amazing features to so many simple pleasures of life like coffee and friends.  I can't wait to look back and see what this new year brings!  I am standing here open to receive!