antler necklace.png
cream sweater.png
austin boots.png

outfit details: sweater + shirt - f21 // jeans - ae // boots - blowfish shoes // necklace + bracelet - roots and feathers

Admittedly I wear these jeans about 3 (or more) times a week, as you are probably catching onto now with the amount they keep showing up here.  Might be time for me to um... wash them.  Ha ha.  These transition days going from winter to the budding of spring showing up here and there, I have been finding myself dressing a bit more simple.  Jeans, tee & sweater with a few accessories.  I'm starting to get really excited about spring days laying on a blanket outside, with a glass of cold tea and my babies (furry ones) playing in the yard next to me.  I can't wait. 

This week has surprisingly been so full and gone in so many different directions.  In case you have missed anything, here is a recap:  I posted a new amazing giveaway with Moondaughter for her Stone Medicine ecourse where she teaches about the power of stones.  I re-designed The Bohemian Collective blog, and tomorrow I will be releasing a brand new lookbook.  I created a new twitter account just for The Bohemian Collective, come follow us!  I shared Aquarius Nation's insightful energy reading for this Full Moon in Cancer happening tomorrow. 

Behind the scenes, Ive been working on several wholesale orders, custom orders, client design work & Ive gotten really good at just allowing my house to be very messy (which might be driving James slightly crazy).  I have fallen a bit behind with my Roots & Feathers Texas lookbook updates, but Ill be back with a new one soon.  I am so grateful to be full of things to keep me busy, so I just have to remind myself that it is okay to not get it all done all the time.

I'd love to know from those of you who juggle many things at once, what keeps you focused and organized?