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The past few weeks I have been working on deeply cleaning out my home.  Part of my break down I had at the onset of my needing to take time off was with my home.  Being a Cancer girl, my home is my sanctuary, and when it is out of sorts, I am out of sorts mentally and emotionally.  The space I am highly reflects how I feel inside.  I was always so busy that it was hard to keep up with daily chores around the house and it just became a cycle that felt never ending.  I am working on creating an environment around me that will not be so much work, and a huge part of that is having less stuff.  Most of my 'stuff' is either pieces of nature or things that have a very sentimental value to me.  So this process has not been easy for me.  But I feel like I have made HUGE strides.

I moved several pieces of furniture around and this helped so much.  Literally swapping out two desks opened up the house so much.  It amazes me how something so simple can make such a difference.  The biggest change was moving the huge wall shelf my dad built from our backroom to our living room.  I was worried that 'adding' another piece of furniture would make it even more cluttered but it made all the difference in the world.  I will share pics of it soon b/c I am just over the moon happy with it!  It gave me a place to keep all of my pieces of nature and 'littles' that were just cluttering my desks. 

The whole process is taking quite a while and Ive just been allowing it to take as long as it needs.  I usually try to get things done asap, but I realized this method wasn't working out for me so well in the past.  I'm taking my time.  Going through each piece of paper.  Evaluating each little thing to see if I really need or want to keep it or if I can pass it on or let it go.  And coming up with new ways to store my collections of things, like the big jar of rocks above.  I made several smaller jars of things that are up on my shelf now too.  I'll take some time once I'm done to go through the things I changed and see what tips I can come up with to share with you guys.  I'm sure so many others have felt the same way I have in their spaces.  Something just shifted in me majorly that just wants peace and calm and no clutter.  Or at least organized clutter.