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Little captures of life this week... This week has been far better than last.  Still so much to do but feeling a bit less overwhelmed with it all and reminding myself we can only do what we can do each day.  We have been working hard at getting all the Dylan tee pre orders shipped out and are finding its taking longer than we thought.  But we are getting there!  Hoping to get as much as we can done over the weekend.  I still have tons of custom orders in as well as a wholesale order of my own, so all I can do is one. thing. at. a. time.  And keep reminding myself that this is okay.  Ive been doing alot more multitasking this week.  The plants above that got planted, I did while waiting for my homeade fries to bake before we started the burgers... squeezing in as many little bits of life that I can between work.  I have also allowed myself to take time to work out everyday and that has helped me so much with my energy levels to get more things done.  I definitely still have felt some of the weight of the energies lately and have found myself in a few grumpy and disgruntled moods, but they pass and I find myself feeling happy again before I know it and feeling so grateful for so many things.  This huge shirt order has taught James and I so much.  Just about anything that could of gone wrong, has gone wrong.  I won't go into details b/c I just feel like its a bit too unprofessional for business, but man its been tough and we have fought so many obstacles with this process.  But its been a huge learning opportunity for us and next time we will know so many 'what not to do's' that should help out later.  We have felt every emotion through this rollercoaster ride of extreme happiness, disbelief, gratitude, overwhelming shock, frustration, anger, defeat, triumph, exhaustion, losing our minds, jumping up and down with so much joy... You name it, we felt it.  I'm just so happy things are smoothing out, we are getting it done regardless of obstacles, we are seeing the light and we are still so very grateful.  It feels like a new beginning for Skyline Fever and it excites the pants right off of us!  Thank you for all of your patience as we get these babies all packaged up and sent out.  I will announce here when they are all sent out, and when they are finally in the shop for sale again!