June 2013. My besties 3rd child was born.
July 2013. We found Delilah, our longhorn skull.
August 2013. I baby sat alot and got the cutest photos of Laurel.
September 2013. Spending my anniversary with this handsome fella in Galveston and Louisianna.
October 2013. Celebrating this silly boys birthday at our house.
November 2013. Having these sweet peas at our house.
December 2013. Watching my husband smoke a pretzel. Ha ha!
January 2014. Celebrating Bird's birthday.
February 2014. Going to see Fred Eaglesmith play and having all our friends there.
March 2014. Going to Willie Nelson's ranch at Luck Texas with Minnetonka.
April 2014. Spending a few days in Dallas while my besties girl had surgery, and having this little tot pass out on my chest.
May 2014. Going on vaca with the women in my family and being a river rat (stylishly of course)...
June 2014. Coming full circle and celebrating this little boy's first birthday!
Today is my birthday and I thought it would be fun to go back and look through my photos from my 31st year. So many good things happened, but I realized my happiest moments throughout the year were the ones spent with loved ones, so that is mostly what is above. This past year I have seen relationships shift and change so much. People I used to see all the time I hardly ever hear from. Some are deeper than they ever were before. Some old friendships that had ended are rekindling. Funny how life ebbs and flows like this with the energy of people.
Today marks day one of being 32. I'm looking forward to what this new year brings. So far 2014 has been amazing. It has kept me busier than ever, but I'm learning to go with the flow of things and know that I can only do so much in a day. A friend of mine told me the other day that this was just the beginning, and it made me think and see things in a new perspective, with fresh eyes, and it really does feel like just the beginning.
P.S. There is a new lookbook up over on The Bohemian Collective today! Go check it out and let me know what you think! xoxo