When life gets busy, I try to never forget to capture all the little moments in between.  One thing I do love about the quick technology of smart phones, it takes about 5 seconds to whip it out and snap a photo of something along the way throughout your day.  I probably wouldn't capture any of these random moments in my day if I had to keep my big heavy camera with me at all times.  By the time I would go grab my camera and get it all set up, the moment would be over.  So grateful for the easy access to capture our lives these days.

Little moments like seeing my kitty sleeping on a seashell, or Violet's paws adorably crossed while she naps on the bed, or my sweet deer friends faces when I feed them... these simple things make my day.  Over all of the things I 'accomplish' with my business or the million other things that keep me busy, these moment are what make my heart tick. 

I love being able to look back through my instagram feed and remember each day.  Even if it was just an image of what I wore that day, or like the image above of myself in the early morning with coffee and a nose strip still on my face... I remember my moment during that day.  I remember sitting there listening to the birds, looking at my mom's angel with a full heart, laughing at the cute things my kitty and pup did.  I'm a visual person, and have the memory of a fly, so without photos, many things would be lost to me.  Pictures bring me back to moments and memories, and that is what I hold sacred about them. 

I hope I never forget to take photos of the simplest things.  A visual diary of life.  LIFE. xo.