So, after my last blog post I kind of left you hanging.  I shared the exciting news on my instagram and fb, and by that time in the day I was so exhausted I couldn't even think about getting on here to blog.  Then I kind of forgot I didn't share on here over the last week.  Geez.  Anyway, James and I are expecting a little baby!  I can still hardly believe it.

I'm starting to get my energy back, so fingers crossed I'll check in here more with updates.  Just this past week I have felt alot of shifts happen, with my energy levels, and with food.  Although I'm still very tired, I feel like I can actually function now.  And finally many foods are sounding much better than they did a week or so ago.  I really struggled for a bit with anything food related.  I was very lucky though to only have really bad nausea for a week and 1/2 and that's it!  It's mostly been extreme fatigue that has got me, and food aversions. 

It was exciting to spend my first holiday yesterday surrounded by family who is so excited about this little baby.  Although I was pretty tired and felt like I just ate and laid on the couch, ha ha.  It was definitely a different Thanksgiving experience this year.  My Nanna is so excited she can hardly stand it.  I'm just as excited for her!

I'M GONNA BE A MAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!