Well I have definitely not updated here like I had planned.  My little Ava Pearl is already 15 weeks old tomorrow.  I am just so in love with this little ray of sunshine.  She brings the biggest joy I have ever experienced into my life.  She is on her 4th mental leap right now and is learning so much.  She is still completely enthralled with discovering her hands.  She almost giggles and we just can't wait until we hear her first real belly laugh.  She smiles with her whole face, especially with her eyes.  She can pucker her bottom lip when she is not happy like nobodies business.  She is completely a mama's girl.  She's long and lean with a big ol' noggin.  She has a better wardrobe than me.  She falls asleep on her own most naps.  But at night still has to nurse for an hour or two before falling asleep.  She likes having my hair swept across her face.  She constantly curls her toes like a monkey.  Her voice has the loveliest baby tones.  She can't roll over yet, but she is a fierce leg kicker.  She loves to 'stand up' using her leg muscles.  She loves bath time most of the time, and every time she is in the tub on her back staring up at me, I see myself as a baby in her, it's like I'm looking into my own reflection.  I see my mother in her eyes.  She can be very independent and happy as can be all by herself, and also at times want nothing more than to be held by her mama.  She loves her naps.  Like, really loves her naps.  She only likes car rides half the time, either she is asleep or crying and screaming in the car.  She only likes to be 'worn' if I am constantly walking and bouncing.  She can hold onto her rattle for a very long time.  She loves being talked to and loves story time.  She likes her Baby Animals golden book the best.  Her favorite toy is a bee teether our friend Melissa sent us.  She loves chillin' on the porch.  She has the sweetest round moon face I have ever seen and a smile that could light up the world.  I am so freaking blessed that she chose me to be her mother.


Yesterday my sweet girl turned 2 months old.  2 months!!!!  And I am just now getting our week 1 portraits up, ha ha.  Cheers to motherhood!  I wanted to get these up here though to document the journey.  It's crazy how much she has changed in such a short time.  She just gets cuter and more aware every single day right now.  I'm going to keep this post short with mostly pictures... but I'll be back with more as I find the time. xo



I have been trying to get this post up for over a week now, ha ha!  We welcomed out sweet baby girl into the world on July 3rd at 9:13 am.  Her arrival took quite a while to complete and was full of hard, crazy labor.  I will share our story a little more later, but we ended up being transported to the hospital, but I was still able to deliver her naturally without the help of drugs or medical assistance.  She was 7 pounds, 14 ounces.  She took to nursing almost immediately after being placed on me and has been a pro at it since.  We have been in extreme baby bliss fever since.  She is the sweetest little thing.  Calm natured and a total mama's girl.  She has the cutest round cheeks and the most beautiful eyes.  She loves to have her hands up by her head and is constantly moving her fingers in the funniest of ways.  She loves to look at a feather mobile, twinkle lights and her moon pillow, and really loves music. 


These were from her first day in the hospital.  I'm so glad James thought to grab my camera as we were all of a sudden throwing things in bags for the hospital.  We didn't take alot of photos b/c we were absolutely exhausted after not sleeping for 2+ days, but I adore these few I took the morning we woke up after it all. 


Two days after she was born, when we were back at home, our midwife came for a check up for me and babe.  I had to get several stitches, so the first week + was pretty rough getting around, but I'm happy to report that they are healing very well and I'm feeling so much better.  We just had our 10 check up with the midwife on Thursday and Ava is already back up and beyond her birth weight at 8 pounds 4 ounces. 


The first week at home we had family come and go.  James parents, my Nanna and Aunt Lisa, Aunt Sheri, my brother and nephew.  It was so sweet to watch them all fall in love with her. 


I'm so in love with this photo of her tiny feet in her daddies arms.  Nothing sexier.


I'll be back with a million more photos, until then, follow me on instagram, that is where the baby party is at. @lauramazurek