
Yesterday we randomly decided to make a fort, something that has been way too long since I’ve done. James and I used to make forts all the time just for the hell of it. It’s actually been since Ava was a baby that we have made one. It was fun b/c now Ava is is big enough to help me. She kept having me add things, like the hat on top and the plant. Then afterwards she proceeded to decorate it with all her paw patrols. This morning she has already draped some crystals on it.

We found yet another way to use our Kantha Bae! We used a blanket, a vest, a turban, a baby ring sling and a crop top! The floor cushion is from My Bohemian House. We use this thing so much. I usually eat dinners sitting on it by the coffee table, and Cosmo sleeps on it most nights. We just got these two beautiful vintage rug pillows from Zarabi Collectif. Rumor has it there might be a fun giveaway over on my IG for a very special gem from their shop, so stay tuned! And of course we had to set up a diffuser with our favorite Seedlings CALM blend, perfect for these times. The beautiful butterfly blanket is from Calhoun and Co. I get asked about this blanket all the time! It’s so so beautiful. If I had more wall space in our home I would totally get another one just to hang on the wall I love it so much!



via rootsandfeathers.com
via rootsandfeathers.com
via rootsandfeathers.com
via rootsandfeathers.com
via rootsandfeathers.com

I just had to share these beautiful shelves James made me for Christmas.  I had shown him some shelves I liked online, and since we couldn't afford them he decided to surprise me by making them out of my daddies old barn wood, which is very very special to me.  He had a friend of ours help him make them b/c he is not a carpenter, but the fact that he thought of it and designed them, and then helped out with the labor, is so amazing and thoughtful.  I couldn't of asked for a better gift.

The triangle one I decided to keep on my desk by the window, one of my favorite spots in the house for its beautiful lighting, and allow the contents on it to change all the time.  The other one I used on my jewelry wall in the bedroom, an area I have really been wanting to makeover, so it was perfect.  I love this shelf... so many secret messages within its shapes... it looks like mountains, and in the middle is a jewel.  It also forms the name AVA, which is what we will name our daughter if we have one.  They are just perfect. 

I love that everytime I look at these shelves I get to see James and my daddy in them.  He would of been so proud of him. 


Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom

A little over a week ago I got the bug to re-arrange my bedroom, and I couldn't be happier about it.  For some reason, my bedroom has never felt just right.  I have re-arranged it so many times since we have lived here, and now it finally feels right.  I had all of my necklaces clustered together on an old wooden piano piece with pegs... which worked really well for storage, but always felt too cluttered.  I kept several of my pieces over on it, but spread out my favorite pieces on this other wall, as a part of the design.  I love how they all feel like artwork on the walls now.

Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom

I love that so many of the pieces in my home have sentimental value.  This birdie dish that holds my rings was used in our wedding.  My dad built me this very special hope chest when I was younger.  It is so well made and I cherish it so much.  It is stuffed full of old memories and baby clothes... The lantern I got from my bestie.  The antlers were gifts from my brother.  The ceramic birdie was from my cousin.  The soapstone box was from my uncle.  The arched little mirror was the mirror in our bathroom when I was little.  The stand up mirror was handed down to me from my aunt.  The old wooden shelf that has my bracelets and earrings on my pap made as a plant stand.  The deer skull was the first skull I have found with horns, on my parents land.  The white vintage macrame owl was a gift from a friend.  The amethyst stone bookends were a gift from a friend.  The little yellow faceted salt shaker next to my oils was the first antique treasure my mom ever bought when she was a little girl.  My pap took her antiquing to give her the bug, and this is what she chose.  (And she caught the bug, and passed it on to me.)  The black leather macrame windchime was a gift from Sun & Glory, made with woodpecker feathers (which is my birth totem).  The dreamcatcher was made for me by Spirit Tribe with my birthstones.  The feather pinned to the wall was a special gift from a friend.  The Janis Joplin record was my mom's and has been a part of my room or home decor since I swiped it from her when I was a teenager.  The adorable wooden sun was my mothers, and I just adore it.  The print from Hannah Chloe was painted with my headband as the inspiration.  And of course all of the jewelry pieces are very special pieces from so many artisan friends... too many to name.  But each one is so special.  There is so much magic in this corner!!!  (and the twinkle lights just highlight it).

Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom
Laura of Roots and Feathers Boho Bedroom

I love how simply moving stuff around in a new way can make everything feel so fresh and re-inspiring!  I like to read at night before bed, so when I turn on my twinkle lights and read while James falls asleep next to me, I am just in heaven now.  I feel like I have even been sleeping better since the new change.  And, it inspires me to re-arrange other areas in my house when I get the time!