
So, the other night my sweet Banjo was sleeping on his bed as the sun was setting and shining just a peek of light through the window onto him.  I couldn't help but take about 100 photos of him sleeping.  And I admit, I was poking and prodding him to wake up so I could see those beautiful eyes of his.  Ha ha!  Crazy Cat Lady at it's finest.  I'm guilty.  He is so damn cute!!!  I seriously don't know how I got so lucky to have 4 of the most beautiful animals on the planet! 

This poor boy got neutered & had his front claws taken out this week.  But he is doing so good and back to his usual self getting into all sorts of trouble around the house.  But now he can claw his way onto Nico's cage, or tear up the couch, or claw Bella when he jumps on her, or climb the curtains, or.... He can still chew things up though!!!  Right now he's on a wicker kick. (praying he doesn't start on my peacock chair)... My current background noise is him chewing the hell out of a cardboard box!  But look at that face!!!  He's so cute he can do no wrong. 

Ive had to rearrange plants b/c hes been killing them by jumping in them, and I think peeing in them from time to time.  All of a sudden they started looking horrible!  Two he completely killed.  Were having to do some Banjo proofing around here these days. 

Violet and him have become the best of buds.  They play alot together and its so sweet.  They never get aggressive with each other and they enjoy each other so much.  Bella still wants nothing to do with him and still hisses at him all the time.  Banjo has figured out that there are deer outside the window in the evenings, so he loves to sit in my studio window and watch the deer.  And he loves to cuddle with his dad in the afternoons when he comes home from work and sits on the couch.  Banjo gets right up on him and purrs.  Something he doesn't do with me anymore, so it's pretty special.  His current favorite toy is the cotton bag with a drawstring that came off our new pillowcase set.  He runs all over the house with it dangling from his mouth!  And he has one crazy voice on him!  He is extremely vocal.  If we go in the other room and close the door, he will stand outside of it and cry.  He cries when we put him in his room for time out or to go to bed at night.  He cries while playing with his toys.  I guess I shouldn't say cry, b/c its not all crying, he is just very vocal about everything.  So different than Bella.  He is different from her in every aspect! 

Banjo Juniper has been the biggest blessing to us.  We love love love that little stinker!


Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via
Bella via

I just wanted to take a moment to share the adorableness that is my kitty, Bella Rosa.  She is the silliest sweetest thing and has been by my side since the day I left home at 18.  She constantly keeps us entertained.  It's always hard to get good photos of her with my phone when she is being silly, which usually by the time it takes me to get my real camera out and ready, she is over and just sitting there, always!  But every now and then I have my camera right there, ready to snap, and get to capture her in her moments.  This was one of them.  She does not like cat toys, like pretty much won't touch them... but give her a necklace, a pen, a hair tie... she is all over it!  She is my right hand man.  She stays by my side almost all day, even to go to the bathroom, ha ha!  Unless she is snoozing, which is like half her day you know.  She is right next to me as I type, purring away, laying on top of my to do lists and taxes that need to go out.  I simply just adore this cat.

And without a doubt, she is the prettiest cat I have ever laid eyes on...

(Leah Hoffman, if you are reading this, this was your necklace ;)


OMG I MISS THIS BLOG!  Yep, I do.  The past few days have been sooo busy from my online yardsale I have not even had a chance to come over to this little corner of my world.  What was going to just be a simple 20 something sale, ended up being around 150 items and a whirlwind of a sale!  I feel so blessed!  And Im so glad its over, ha ha.  Online garage sales are just as much work as real ones.  Thank you so much to each person that bought something!  Im saving this money for me and James to be able to go somewhere for our anniversary in September.  We have yet to get away since weve been married, so Im so excited!  ​

Some photos from my week...​

1. me on my way to the post office after the crazy virtual sale.  feeling tired and blessed.​

2. this was my paper to keep all the orders straight.  it was filled from top to bottom on both sides of the page!​

3. the packages ready to ship!  so happy to release this much stuff from our house.​

4. what bella did while i worked.​

5. the orchid my nanna gave me finally bloomed!!!​

6. my new moon journal from aquarius nation came in!  so excited it got here before the next new moon on the 8th!  such an amazing thing!​

7. a huge double rainbow in my backyard after the rain this week.  it was so huge and so beautiful.​

8. i have a thing for huge avocado seeds.  just do.​