via rootsandfeathers.com

My moments on the blog have been sparse this month.  I still feel like I am in such a period of re-evaluation, but right now I am at the place of no movement.  I know this spot will quickly pass, as all do.  I was at the home-stretch of getting my house completely reorganized and decluttered and then I just stopped.  I lost all motivation.  My laundry has sat in a huge pile on the floor by the bay window for two weeks now, just growing and growing.  And I could say that about every other corner of the house too. 

I had a couple day burst of brand new inspiration for my shop, I made so many new pretties, I got the idea to shift my whole shop over to this website here instead of etsy, I rephotographed everything I had in stock + the new stuff, uploaded it all to the site and got ready for a new launch.  I did a test purchase with myself and quickly realized the move I made was not the right one.  The process of getting an order in and shipping it is not nearly as easy as etsy, on top of not being able to connect paypal.  So, now I must put all that work back into my etsy shop for now until a better solution comes along.  It's not that I don't love etsy, it is actually a really great place to sell, I just wanted my own pretty store front right here on my website, to have everything all in one place.  I guess if Squarespace changes a few things, like adding Paypal options, and more streamlined, quick & easy shipping processes then Ill reconsider.  I must say though that my excitement waned a bit about my shop.  I guess after getting pumped for a big fresh new change like that and then just ending up right back where you were, was a little disappointing.  Plus knowing that all that time I spent was almost for nothing.  BUT I am just in need of a little change in attitude... Brush it off, pick myself back up, and move forward.  Maybe some things are just better left as they are.  I will still be changing the way I work and for the time being only offering items that are ready made, one a time. 

via rootsandfeathers.com

Another new point of change, I cut my hair two days ago!  It was dark by the time we got home so all I have is a quick harshly lit bathroom selfie.  But I am loving it!  We cut about 6-7 inches off and it feels so healthy, and THICK for the first time in my life!  I don't normally cut my hair 'blunt' and I have really thin fine hair, so this cut makes it really feel thick and full and healthy.  And now it doesn't turn into a rat's nest when I wake up in the morning, ha ha! 

I know alot of the changes I have made over the past few months are pretty simple.  De-cluttering my home.  Changing my diet.  Cutting my hair.  Changing my website.  Re-thinking how I create my jewelry & what I offer.  But I hope with time and dedication that all of these little changes add up to create a brand new - bad ass year in 2015.  I feel like my life shifted, cracked open, is letting the bad stuff fall through the cracks, and opening me up for new good things to come in.  Who knows, maybe one of those things will be mini sized ;)


Ive been a little quiet over here on the blog this week b/c I have been working behind the scenes on a total shop revamp.  Just like I have spent the past month slowly cleaning out, purging, and revamping my home space, and then doing the same thing to my blog... Now I am doing it with my shops.  I really feel like I am at a new crossroads with my life.  I am ready for change.  For new life.  New inspiration.  All of it.  And as funny as this may sound, the switching of two desks in my home sparked ALOT of this change.  I can't fully explain why, but it shifted something in me in so many ways. 

One big change that will be occurring soon is that I am bringing BACK my print shop!  But with all new, updated photography.  I'm keeping it very simple and only selling small 5x5 prints.  I'm so excited about this shift.  Photography is one of my biggest passions and I'm happy to be sharing this love with the world again.  It's been a long time since I closed down my last print shop, and with all new photos this move feels filled with new life! 

The best part... I'll be selling straight from my site here!  Which leads me to...

My Roots & Feathers shop is also getting a major re-vamp!  I will also be transitioning my jewelry shop to my website here!  You will be able to get it all in one place.  This will be a new thing for me, so I may need to do a bit of a trial period first to make sure I really like the flow of it, but that is my plan! 

I am also going to only be making one of a kind pieces, or some things in very small batches, so once something sells, its gone!  The last few years I have built my shop full of items that could be re-ordered over and over, and while that has been a great thing for a long time, it is no longer working for my lifestyle.  I have my hands in too many things along with creating the magazine for The Bohemian Collective + keeping up with that website, making shirts with James for Skyline Fever (which is booming), being a fulltime blogger, etc.  If you have been following along you know that over a month ago it hit me that I need some major restructuring as I was burning out.  I wasn't sure how that was going to look when I first took time off, but slowly over a month or two of letting go, things have been falling into place in a new way.  They are finally starting to feel exciting + manageable again! 

It takes the passion out of something when it gets to the point where you feel stressed out over what you love to do.  I am continually aiming to create an environment for myself that feels life giving, not life sucking.  If I have to let go or restructure the things in my life to do so, then I am up for it!  Being your own boss comes with all the responsibility of figuring this out, and sometimes it has to be done over and over again as your life changes. 

I can't wait to share the new shop!  I'm not sure exactly when it will go live, but I'll keep you posted!  Many of the items that are in my etsy shop right now are going to be phased out, just FYI if you have had your eye on something, it might be the time to snag it!



I am trying to make some healthier choices in my day to day routine.  Once again I have found myself in a rut of old habits and its time to turn the wheel.  Here are a few things Ive been trying to do lately to help that...  Starting with breakfast.  I am a fried egg junkie.  Period.  I realized the other day that I had eaten fried eggs for breakfast for almost a month straight.  I decided to start mixing it up again with one of my other favorites that I have let fallen to second, yogurt, berries & granola.  I need to learn to switch it up more often... but I get so into my habits... especially with food.


When Im in my unhealthy habit routine I will grab a granola bar and call it lunch, and eat while I am packaging up packages or answering emails.  This. is. no. good.  When Im in my healthy habit state I generally eat some sort of 'pickers' lunch like this depending on what we have on hand, and eat it outside if the weather is nice... with no technology!  I need alot more of this in my life.


Dinner is tricky around our house b/c James and I have very different eating habits and tastes.  I eat alot more pasta and chicken than I would on my own b/c it is what he loves.  I don't mind so much, but I do love the nights where we each cook our own meals... Like this huge chicken salad.  It had apples, almonds, grapes, dried cherries and feta with strawberry balsalmic dressing.  I actually really love making my own dinners. 


Snack time for me is usually a shake.  And I won't lie, I don't make the 'healthiest' of shakes.  There is nothing bad in it, but it is quite fattening Im sure... but I love it, and I don't care.  Usually has almond milk, flax oil, banana, peanut or almond butter, coconut oil, cinnamon, green powder & ice... and just recently I found out about adding curry and pumpkin spice to shakes, so that goes in there too.  Oh, and dates or figs.  So so yummy!!!


Drinking more herbal tea.  Since I got the tea mix from Danmala Teas I am way more excited to make tea than just with my normal tea bags.  This takes it to a whole new dimension.  I just tried this blend called Bohemia and oh my I am in love.  It is sweet and floral, which I actually thought I would not like, but I was blown away with its taste.  It is just right.  And is not ridiculously beautiful?


I tend to wait to use my essential oils until I am in dire need of them... like when Im in the middle of a migraine or really pms-ing.  I have been trying to remember to use my favorite oil blend Clary Calm a few days before I start those feelings and it really helps me when I do.  Another daily self nourishing thing I have been using is LaLaEarth's breast butter for daily and life long breast health.  It is so important to me since I came from a line of women with breast cancer including my mom and grandmother, and lost my mom to it.  This is probably my favorite self nourishing thing I do.  (I'm not sure if its still active, but try using the code ROOTS10 for 10% off anything in her shop)


Another big healthy choice I am trying to make is more quality time with James.  As with any relationship there are ups and downs, ebbs and flows... and with the preparation of selling my parents house, the cold winter months that seem to be dragging on, bouts of moodiness and depression from both of us, work stress, lack of time with friends, lack of exercise and the list probably goes on and on... we have found ourselves in a bit of a slump.  A slump of stagnation.  So we made a joint effort after finally communicating about it to bring back more of our fun things we used to do together, like playing scrabble.  (of course I kicked his ass, but that is besides the point... right?)  And any other little thing we can do or ways we can think of each other...  Relationship and marriage is alot of fun, but also alot of work, and sometimes it is downright scary at how hum drum it can be at times... But we have both learned over the years sometimes you just need to pay more attention, change your routine, put the focus back on each other, list the things you are grateful for, and do the things that feel like 'play' together more often.  Its a constant learning process.


Yoga.  Need I say more?  NO, but I will... I have been doing yoga off and on since I was about 18.  Um... almost 14 years now... but sadly I have never allowed myself a very loooong duration of being fully committed to it.  I take time off, I do it once a week, or once a month, sometimes everyday for a little while, then back to every now and then.  I realized the other day how desperate my body was for movement, and I remember I had this dvd set my friend let me borrow.  (I need to return it soon so I will be getting my own copy soon, its worth it).  This video kicks my butt and is way different than the gentle yoga I do in my local town when I attend class... but I like it b/c it feels more like a real work out.  And since there are so many different dvds that focus on different things you don't get bored.  I get bored easily with doing the same dvd routine over and over again.  With any kind of workout.  I think that is why I never stick with them.  Anyway, I love The Ultimate Yogi, so thank you Marissa for letting me borrow it all this time!  It feels good to be back on the mat.


My biggest personal favorite way of showing myself love is through the bath.  Probably b/c I am a cancer and so connected to water.  When I am in the bathtub I can really think, bliss out, read, write, whatever it is I feel I need to get out or do during that time... I can focus more fully than I can out of the water.  Out of the water I am fidgety, I can't keep myself contained to one space... I can truly relax in the water.  There was a period a little while back when I realized I hadn't taken a bath in what felt like a few months, which is almost unheard of for me.  I realized quickly this might be part of why I was feeling so off.  Water grounds me, and connects me to spirit.  I need my time in water.

Do you have any old or bad habits you feel like you need to release right now?  What is keeping you from doing so?  Are there things you used to take more time for but now realize they are in your distant past?  How can you resurrect them today?  Remember, it really is a choice.