lunar flow by moondaughter.JPG

Hello shining souls! This is Marissa from Moondaughter. I am here to share with you this course I've created for all you sensitive moon gypsies out there. Lunar Flow is for all the healers, empaths, and sensitive souls to balance and restore your energy working with the moon phases.

I must confess, I need to take this course desperately. This past weekend, I caught a horrible flu virus and stayed in bed for four days. For my very go-go-go personality, this was so hard to work with. I kept thinking about all the stuff I 'need' and 'should' do, and I realized I don't know how to rest! It was only until my immune system was under attack and my body too weak to stand, that I could fully rest. The Universe forced me to.

I believe everything does happen for a reason, and getting sick under the waning moon, taught me I need to release outdated beliefs I still have about my body. I need to listen to my body more, nourish her more, walk my talk more, rest more. I can so easily guide and help others, but too often I put my needs aside for later. As a sensitive moon soul myself, I need to get reconnected with my lunar flow once again and I hope you will join me if you feel called to.

Starting on the New Moon of September 5th, we will explore the energies of each moon phase and how it affects us. As healers and empaths and creatives, energetic boundaries are so important to maintain to keep walking down our soul paths. This energy and observing will be different for everyone, so Lunar Flow is the container for you to dive in and explore.

Within the 4 weeks we will delve into:

Week One: Types of Empathy, Find your Restorer Stone, New Moon energy, begin Lunar observations, ritual

Week Two: Maiden energy, Healing energies for the Waxing phase, Crystal gridding

Week Three: Mothering/ Full Moon energy, Autumnal observance Balancing ritual, Divinations

Week Four: Crone energy, Healing energies for the waning phase, conclude Lunar Observations, guided meditation

Your dedication to yourself, by observing your energy, listening to your body and intuition is the core of this course

There will be a private Facebook Community for support and witnessing of your journey, as well as a private website with the content. 

The course is $50 for 4 weeks or by signing up for Moon Rhythms or the CMP it's at a discounted price. This is the foundational course of my accredited Certified Metaphysical Practitioner program as well. Within the program we will explore Tarot, Crystal Healing, and the Chakras. But first, we lay the foundations in Lunar Flow. However you can take this course separately without being in the program :) 

Here on Laura's blog I am giving a space away for one lovely soul! Just enter here! If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment and I will answer!

SO honored to be on this path with you all <3 <3 And thank you beautiful Laura for holding.

