Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers
Laura from Roots & Feathers

outfit details:  moon tank - gypsywarrior // jeans - goodwill // boots - minntonka // bralette + sunnies - lulu* // necklace - christi jay

So, the other day I decided to straighten my hair... something I haven't done in months, and was pleasantly surprised to learn how much I loved it.  Ive never really been into spending ANY time on my hair.  Most days I just let it air dry out of the shower, or twist it up in a bun for a while if I want it to be wavy, and then just tossle it with my fingers.  I feel like I don't quite understand hair the way some girls do... I'm not good at curling it, and when I do it only lasts for 30 minutes anyway... I see all these amazing hair styles everywhere but haven't quite mastered any of them myself... Um... maybe b/c I don't spend alot of time doing my hair, ha!  I think I don't have the patience for it honestly.  I like to be able to get dressed, put my makeup on and be ready within 15 minutes.  All this to say... I'm glad I took the time to straighten it now that it is long, b/c I did love it!

The other day we popped into a Goodwill we have never ventured into before and I scored these jeans.  It's hard to find skinnies that actually fit my legs b/c I'm a shorty... They are usually way long, so I was one happy little girl!  Other than that, the place was a bomb and I doubt we will be going back.  Man do I wish we had the kinds of thrift stores Austin has around here... although most of them are way overpriced.  Thrifting is not what it used to be when I was 15 and you could grab an amazing vintage bag for $.99c.  With the exception of the few adorable granny and pop ones we have out here.  I think those are my favorites.  Although maybe since I don't live in Austin, I just don't know where the good ones like that are... I need to do some more exploring...

Anyway, I'm a rambler this morning... The past two days I have been unexpectedly consumed with tshirts orders for my hubbies new Dylan shirt!  We are taking pre-orders for them through this coming monday and we are blown away with the response, literally.  We had no idea people would love this shirt so much, I mean I know how much I love it... but wow!  There are alot of camfire junkies, moonlighters, whiskey drinkers and dylan lovers out there!  Cheers to that!  We cannot thank you enough for this amazing response!  If you missed it, check out this post here to find out all about it.

I have fallen a bit behind in my own shop, and my house work... so hopefully today I can squeeze in some good lovin' on both of those fronts.  If you are waiting to hear from me on etsy, I'll be there as soon as I can!  I haven't forgotten about you!   As of midnight last night we got most of the invoices sent out for the shirt pre-orders, and hopefully by today we will be caught up, so check your emails!