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Many of you know that Violet Bella was my first shop on etsy, before Roots and Feathers.  It's been officially open since 2008.  But since the conception of Roots and Feathers, I have hardly put any effort into keeping up with it at all.  For a while I have even contemplated letting it go completely.  I just can't.  A part of my heart is there, and always will be.  So, I am going to spark the fire again and put some more love and effort into my sweet, darling shop, Violet Bella.   

I actually made a facebook page for it too, after all this time, I never had one.  So go 'like' my page if you want to stay current on new items and discounts.  I gave the etsy page and the fabebook page a fresh new banner look. 

I'll be adding new pieces over the next week.  I know most of the stuff that is there has been there forever, so just check back soon for some newbies!


In relation to my last post about ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE... Let me add, with a dash of hard work and passion.  So, as I work on new things to be listed in the shop to work toward this big dream of mine, I'll be running a sale in both of my shops!  I would absolutely adore and appreciate it if you would share these images or this blog post on your blog, twitter, facebook, instagram and/or pinterest.  This big dream of mine is not something I can do alone.  I need all the help I can get.  A big big warm hug in advance!!!​



Shop Violet Bella.​

​*sale excludes custom orders*