
The other day James and I took a break and went over to his parents and went for a hike in the creek.  This is where he grew up, his stomping grounds... Its a sacred place for him and I love being able to explore that with him.​


We found so many trees with holes.  I have such a thing for trees with holes.  They are fascinating to me.  I took a pic of James with the creek behind him and the back of his families restaurant.  ​


Its hard to tell in the photos above, but the little black spots in the water were turtles heads poking up.  I love that turtles teach the lesson of patience b/c you really do have to be patient to try and get a photo of one of these guys.  They are so sensitive to sound and movement and wont show themselves if they sense something out of the ordinary.  Even from as far away as I was...​


I love this photo of James above so much.  This place has such magic in it.  We had quite an adventure after this relaxing part.  We were off to the side gathering sticks when to guys came running down to the creek, and they kind of freaked us out, so we hiked up the cliff real quick... to then realize we were on someone else's property and needed to hike back down.  ​It was a crazy dangerous hike back down where we chose to come down... And we found a opossum cave along the way!  We didn't realize that is what it was until we got home and could research the poop.  Yep, the poop.  All we saw was a crazy cave in the side of the cliff with a HUGE mound of odd looking poop underneath it.  I imagined all sorts of crazy things living in it while I had to scale the cliff across it.  (kind of really freaked me out). 


We found lots of treasures... Including a huge opossum jaw set!  Way far away from the opossum home we found.  Ive had opossum come up for me alot this month, and for very good reasons.  If you missed it, Marissa shared about Opossum's in her latest Lunar Animal series on the boho blog.​

It was a good escape with my boy.  I love these times with him so much.  My favorite.  I'm wishing I was out in the woods right now while I feel myself start to stress out about the fact I have yet to do my taxes.  Sigh... My goal was tomorrow, and it looks like Im not going to make that goal.  I need to find the focus to just sit and do it!!!!!!​

Do any of you etsy sellers have any tax strategies or programs you use?  I signed up for one and never was able to figure out the website or get anyone from it to respond to me, after paying for it.  Bad choice.  I would love to find a program that imports all of your sales and expenses and figures up all your totals for you, so if you know of a good one, Id love to know! xo


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outfit details:  top - my mothers //  skirt - thrifted & upcycled // belt - ruche // shoes - blowfish (cleef) // necklace - roots and feathers // bird ring - f21 // bracelets - gypsy lane

​I feel like a whirlwind of life has happened here at this computer desk the past month.  After building two websites, releasing the new moon reports and a new lookbook, I feel like I can finally breath again, and get back to my normal routine.  Well, I don't really have a routine, but back to not having something big on my plate.  I enjoyed every moment of all of it, but I miss being in the studio just creating.  It's been a few weeks it feels like.  Last night I finally got in there and started creating all new wall hangings and it felt so refreshing.  I'm incredibly inspired by the ocean right now... after creating the sand dollar drawing and sea song poem, last night I began cleaning a collection of seashells my mom had gathered a long, long time ago.  They are so beautiful, so old, and so full of love, for I know she hand picked each one herself with the idea it was somehow 'special'.  I love them.  I will only use a few for projects I will make to sell.  I want to keep most of them for projects for my own home, and to pass down to my children one day, and just to keep around my home.  I so badly want to take a trip down to the beach soon.  Ive been feeling it in my soul for a long time now.  Growing up, we used to go as a family every year.  But that stopped a long time ago and now it seems I only go like once every 4 years or something.  I want to spend hours just sitting on the beach and watching the water, and take longs walk gathering treasures... I want to feel my toes sink into the wet sand.  I want to feel the sun on my skin, and taste like salt. 

New Moon Report

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The very first KV Moon Phase Report was just released!  I am soooooo flippin excited about this collaboration with Aquarius Nation, Moondaughter, Gypsy Moth Sol and myself.  Go check it out!  There are individual astrological videos for this new moon in pisces, two new moon ceremonies, two new moon herbal blends, and some new moon inspired art.  We poured so much love into this space, we would love to hear your feedback, or any questions you may have about any of what you see there!​

​Check it out here!