I feel like I have been out of commission for over a week now, but today is only day 5.  Last saturday I spent the day baby sitting and then sunday evening I quickly came down with a soar throat.  Monday was awful and I spent the whole day on the couch, drinking hot tea and watching a marathon of Ridiculousness.  (I'm in love with Rob Dyrdek).  Except for making one trip to Bandera with James, in which I brought a cookie with me to make it better.  It wasn't until tuesday morning that I realized I had strep throat, not just a common soar throat.  So I quickly got my game together and started medicating myself more seriously.  I know the severe risks of letting strep throat go untreated and I monitored myself carefully, but I decided to go all natural for 48 hours at least before even thinking about going to get antibiotics.  I know there is a time and a place for them, but I also believe in treating ourselves naturally as much as we can, and when I do, I always see the results and know I am making my body that much stronger in the end for it. 

Once I started treating it seriously and taking all of the natural remedies every two hours, within 12 hours I have seen a dramatic difference.  I woke up this morning with almost no throat pain and feel so rested.  I know that once you start to feel better its easy to just stop medicating yourself, so I have to be firm with myself today and make sure I still continue my regimen heavily throughout today, and then some for the next 8 or so days.  And not overdo myself.  All I can think about this morning is all the orders I have not made and shipped out this week, all of the unanswered emails, and of the things not attended to, my filthy house, etc... I have to make myself go slow and take lots of breaks for the next several days, which is so against my normal way, especially when I'm preparing for one of the most exciting collections Ive ever made to be shot in early December.  I have to remind myself that these are all self imposed deadlines and I have to treat my health first.  That is a hard one for me.  Alot of times I allow my body to come last, which is something Ive been trying to work on, so now, here I am, faced with the decision to make myself a priority above all else.  And of course it would happen a few days before Thanksgiving when I am suppose to be loving and hugging all over my family I haven't seen in ages.  Yeah, that part sucks the worst.  But the timing of these things is something I have no control over, so be it.

In case you are wondering how I treated myself I will list it below, but know this is what worked for me, and you should always seek your own treatment and what is best for you...

- every 2 hours I chewed a tablespoon of finely chopped raw garlic (1-2 cloves) with cayenne, lemon and honey
- 2-3 times a day I took an emergen-c pack
- 2-3 times a day I took 15 drops of grapeseed oil in a capsule
- vitamins + spirulina + fish oil daily
- oregano oil on my feet throughout the day
- hot echinacea tea with lemon, ginger, honey and rosemary all day long
- hot soup as food (no solid food as its harder to digest, except I had some yogurt and blueberries)
- gargle with really warm water with apple cider vinegar and cayenne
- sip on water with apple cider vinegar and honey
- tons of water
- tons of rest
- peppermint oil on my forhead for headaches

(things I would of taken if I had them would be colloidal silver and elderberry syrup)

I also religiously checked my temperature to make sure I was okay.

What are some of your personal at home treatments for colds, strep or flu?

And as you can see above, since its been cold and rainy outside all week, all of our babies have been snuggled up too and we have been building alot of fires!!!

p.s. I had planned on having a Small Business Saturday sale, so if I can get it together I will.  Watch out for announcement on the blog for it.  It might be for the whole weekend! 



skyline fever stardust tank top
skyline fever moon phase crop top
skyline fever stardust crop top
skyline fever third eye crop top

While James is at his friends house I am being sneaky and posting new stuff in his Skyline Fever shop!  I wanted to surprise him and hopefully let him know just how rad his shop is by the support he receives from his fans.  So go check out the new stuff, and either grab something up if you love it, or go tell him how much you love his work on his facebook fanpage!  He has been a bit down about his shop lately, and I want to encourage him that he is so amazing and is doing such a cool thing with his clothing.  So if your a fan, let him know!  We could all use some encouragement from time to time. (Yes, he may get mad at me for posting this, but its a risk I'm willing to take)


sacred space on roots and feathers
sacred space on roots and feathers
sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers
november sacred space on roots and feathers

It has been some time since I have shared my sacred space here on the blog.  During this last full moon I created a new space in my home for my intentions and questions.  This space has moved around my home so many times, but change like this always feels good and moves the energy around, so I love it.

As you may have gathered from my blog over the past month I have had some deep emotional things that have been on my heart.  And alot of synchronicity has been showing up for me.  I kept having dreams about bats, so I looked them up in my Animal Speak book and learned they are associated with the Tarot card, The Hanged Man, so I pulled the card out of my Medicine Woman deck, which in that deck its titled Vision.  Then the next day, on the full moon I did a 3 card spread with my Earth Magic deck and the first card I pulled was Vision Quest, essentially the same card.  And its an intense card.  I won't go into all it meant for me, but it was cool pulling both of those cards in unison.  For months now I have been pulling the same cards over and over and over again and I'm beginning to see a real pattern in the answers, its been a really amazing experience.

I added a few other animal elements that have been speaking to me through my dreams, including peacock and turtle.  I didn't have anything the represented the frog or he would be up there too.  Also a few stones Ive been working with for a while including shiva lingum, lapis lazuli and a selenite that was recently gifted to me.

Creating space for time and intention to go within has been such a good experience for myself and my personal growth and emotional healing. 

Oh, and and fun animal experience I had this week was getting to see a porcupine in person up close!  We were out at my parents house having some dirt dumped to fix the driveway, and while James was waiting for the guy to arrive, I went down the driveway to go walk around a bit.  I spotted a tree I had never really paid attention to before and was so drawn to it.  I walked up closer and was just in awe of the leaves that had turned yellow and the amazing knotted roots of the tree.  It is one of the most magnificent trees.  I was standing there in awe of it and then I looked up and right above my head was a porcupine in the tree!!!  At first it spooked me b/c I was not expecting to see that, but I quickly realized from his body language that I did not need to be afraid.  He was in his own little slow world.  For the most part he was just taking a nap, but at one point I did get to see him slowly move around and even get up and scratch his belly.  It was the cutest thing I have ever seen.  I felt like a child in magical amazement over this creature.  It felt so intimate, something I knew I may never experience again in this lifetime.  The only time I have ever seen a porcupine is either dead on the road (sadly) or scurrying into the bushes at night.  He was so cute.  So cute.  Im honored I got to experience him and learn a little more about this creature.  Just the night before I was excitedly showing James a few porcupine quills I had just received in the mail that I'm going to use for a project, so that was another fun synchronicity. 


holiday sponsorship on roots and feathers

Do you have a handmade shop you want to promote for the holiday season??  Check out my sponsorship program to see if you would be a good fit.  My spots are filling up fast and the feature ads are already sold out, but there are a few large and small spots left!  There are also a few new options as well you may want to check out besides just advertising through a sidebar ad.  HANDMADE FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!