baby egg shell

Hello brand new year.  Something about this new year feels different than the others before.  Lighter, more hopeful.  A feeling of being supported, from my guides and angels, from the universe, from my higher power.  A knowing that I am safe, cradled, loved, as well as given permission to go out there and explore, make mistakes, and scrape my knees.  Knowing I have the gift to make up my mind what my earthy experiences are going to be, and how I am going to react or handle them.  And that if I feel myself feeling taken over by fear, guilt, shame, longing, resentment... all I need to do is go within and take a closer look at why, and then choose to find another path.  There is always another path.  If you can't see it, keep rubbing those eyes sleepy head. 

We found this little birdie egg on our doorstep the other day.  I haven't found a bird egg since I was a little girl.  The fact that it was right there, welcoming us home, the same week we have fully welcomed the idea of bringing a new little one into our lives felt very connected.  The birdie that goes off by itself sometimes in our house has gone off twice this week too.  I can feel my mother's presence so intensely.  Literally the past two weeks I have been told how much I look like my mother about 30 times.  From friends online to family members I haven't seen in a while.  And when they look at me, its almost as if they really are looking at my mom.  Like they are a bit stunned at what they are looking at.  I'll share an image below that I put together yesterday of me and my mom side by side...

my mother and I

I snapped a bunch of old pictures when I was at my Nanna's house last weekend, I'll share more soon.  They are wonderful.  Even found one with my black lipstick in high school!  But lately I am seeing more and more of my mom in myself.  I don't know if its b/c I have decided I want to be a mother soon, or if it's the part of me that feels herself coming into her womanhood in a new way... Maybe a bit of both. 

I have felt a shift occur within me lately.  I think the first day I recognized it was Thanksgiving day.  And it's become more and more apparent since then, really hitting me this week.  There have been some heart burdens I have been carrying with me for a few years now, so old I can't even really name them anymore, or understand why they would still be there... and after years trying to release them with no real change, it is like all of a sudden they are gone.  Last full moon I did another releasing fire ceremony and really gave it my heart, and since then it is like a veil has been lifted and I realize I can simply walk forward with my life with no worries of the past, no longing to change how things went, no guilt around the death... like a brand new start.  It honestly just came with a change of thought patterns.  As I was putting up my christmas tree I remember talking out loud to myself and I found my self cursing and talking increasingly faster and louder about the things I just wanted the f out of my body.  I think that was the beginning of my true voice coming through and standing up for itself.  It felt good, like I could almost feel the layers peeling off of me in that moment.  I'm sure there will be more layers... but then again, I have conditioned myself to believe there are always more layers.  Maybe this time, this was it.  Maybe this one is over. 

make some magic

This was on the packaging from a gift from a dear friend this christmas.  MAKE SOME MAGIC.  Let's say CHEERS to making some magic in 2014.


Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
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Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers
Casual Boho outfit on Roots and Feathers

outfit details:  sweater - thrifted // crochet tank - f21 // under tank - skyline fever // jeans - ae // boots - lulu* // necklace - sailor's omen

I am so in love with this outfit.  It was comfy, casual, a bit feminine and really allowed this beautiful necklace to be the star.  I'm completely head over heels for this necklace.  Ive been waiting to feature it in an outfit post b/c it is going to be a part of an upcoming lookbook for The Bohemian Collective, but I just couldn't wait any longer.  It is such a statement piece.  And it comes in different colors/styles in her shop! 

This little crochet top I picked up at F21 when Katelyn was down last and Ive been waiting for spring to wear the crap out of it, like I somehow forgot all about layering!  No more forgetting now!!!  I love being able to transition pieces in my closet through all seasons to get as much use out of them as I can.

Last but not least, I have to talk about these boots!  They are soooooooooo perfectly me.  Love.  Sadly they are sold out at Lulu's, but keep an eye out b/c many times they restock best sellers!  They do have tons of other really cute boots though, and they are having a 40% off sale items right now plus free shipping!  (love my friends over at lulus)

So today is New Year's Eve.  A very introspective day for many as we begin to really think about what we want to change in our lives for the new year.  Not everyone makes resolutions, but most people do at least think about what transpired through the past year and what they would like to do differently in the next.  I know I do.  2013 really felt like a healing year for me, which means there was a lot of turmoil and heavy emotions that had to be gone through to really see the other side of things.  I feel like I truly did have to feel all of those emotions to be able to do that.  I know alot of it is not over, but I feel a huge weight has left my body this past month.  Some real releasing happened and it has made my heart feel so free and open to new ideas.  It's almost like a switch has been turned on all of a sudden that I previously couldn't find in the dark. 

I would love to thank all of my readers for the amazing year you have shown me through all of your loving and caring comments.  You have been such a support system to me through the years and this last one was no exception.  I feel like I have formed some of the deepest relationships thus far this past year with some of you.  Let's keep connecting in such a real way in 2014.  Namaste!


look two collage.jpg

This collection is so close to my heart.  Inspired by long drives through the Texas hillcountry, the native animals I see or hear in my everyday surroundings, the colors of the earth, a small essence of the cowboy, and the general spirit of what I feel growing up in the hillcountry.  I am releasing this collection one look at a time, as a seven part series, this is part 2.  (see part I here)


all jewelry // roots and feathers
jacket // vintage
vest // novella royale
leather leggings // persun
boots // blowfish shoes
hat // lulu*


Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
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Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers
Texas Skyline Lookbook by Roots and Feathers



me and my nephew

And the christmas madness is over with!  Ha ha.  It actually was not madness at all for me this year.  I enjoyed every moment of it, even the food induced comas over the last two days.  I actually just threw all of the leftover pie, brownies and cookies I had in the trash this morning b/c I just can't take one more piece, and neither can James.  We hit our breaking point last night! 

This is my favorite photo from christmas of me and my little nephew, the silliest cutest kid I know.  He was so excited about each of his gifts, it was priceless. 

In a few hours Im off to go spend the night and the next whole day with my Nanna!  It's her birthday and I'm so happy I get to spend the whole day with her.  Its been really nice this month to do alot of things that are out of my normal routine of being home and making jewelry.  The family and friend moments weve had this month have been so good for my heart.  Last night we stopped by my besties house to give the kids their gifts and we ended up staying for dinner and up till the kids bed time.  It was unexpected and so nice. 

Its noon and I should probably start packing!  My sale will be going on through the weekend and all orders from yesterday through sunday will go out on monday!  And then Ill be back with more updates on my new lookbook too!  I kind of forgot about the holiday time out when I posted it. 

So much love to each and everyone of you!!!