I'm technically already just past 28 weeks, but these photos were shot around 27 weeks. We had a sweet little date with our neighbors at our local wine bar. We are so blessed to have such nice peeps living next to us! I can't remember where I got this top, but I'm loving it more now that I'm pregnant... and I've had this skirt for ages. It's been fun to dig through my closet and see what I can wear through this pregnancy. I am about to go buy another pair of maternity jeans though for my last 3 months b/c I just can't wear my other pair I bought b/c the low band puts too much pressure on my bladder when I sit down. They fit everywhere else. But I love my jeans, so I'm going to indulge in one more pair.
Now that I am in the home stretch my body is definitely changing rapidly. Ive got aches and pains popping up & some super moody blues... But every day is different, so I'm just savoring the good ones, and resting and going with the flow on the bad ones. Accepting it all as part of the journey. It's so wild thinking about how different life is going to be in 3 short months!
*see bottom of post for artist tags*
OUTFIT DETAILS: necklace - roots & feathers (having a 20% off sale thru 4/8 with code ETSYLOVE) // 3 stone turquoise ring - broken arrow jewelry // magic ring - umberdove // brown stone ring - stunner collective // sandals - blowfish shoes